Dear Parents & Students,
Due to weather and road conditions, we have decided that it is in the best interests of everyone’s safety that we hold a virtual school day tomorrow on Monday, March 22. Elementary teachers will be in touch with students and parents with any special instructions they have for the day. MS & HS will have a virtual day according to their regular schedules. Thank you for your understanding and please be safe.
Tё dashur prindër dhe nxënës,
Pёr shkak tё motit tё vështirё dhe gjendjes sё rrugëve, ne kemi vendosur qё ёshtё nё interest tё sigurisë sё tё gjithëve qё nesër, e Hёnё, 22 Mars tё mbajmë misimin virtualisht. Mësuesit e krasëve fillore do ti njoftojnë prindërit pёr çfarëdo instruksioni tё veçant qё mund tё kenё pёr kёtё ditё. Cikli i mesёm i ulёt dhe cikli i mesёm I lartё do tё zhvillojnё mёsimin sipas orarit tё rregullt tё mёsimit virtual. Faleminderit pёr mirëkuptimin tuaj dhe ju lutem qëndroni tё sigurt.
With one hope,
Dave Baniszewski